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Become a FUSION Group Leader

Would you like to start a FUSION Group in your area? We would provide the curriculum, training and support.


To join our FUSION Leader's Forum:


  • Read the "Leading a FUSION Group" document to the right

  • Complete the Leader's Agreement at the bottom of the page

  • Access the video library and view attached discussion guide


If you already have a small group and are just looking for curriculum, we can help with that as well. Just complete the Leaders' agreement and access the videos.


There is no charge at this time for accessing FUSION videos. If you find the curriculum valuable,
please consider giving a donation to FUSION Leadership Group so that we may continue
to develop our resources for leaders.


Click the door to the right to
view videos and resources


Leader's Agreement

I verify that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and am committed to growing into the likeness of Him.
I understand the importance of respecting time commitments and agree to start and end FUSION at the pre-determined times. The recommended time allotment is 60 minutes to allow time for discussion after the video, but can be as long as 90 minutes.
I agree that I will refrain from airing my political views or other controversial topics EXCEPT when discussing the Biblical context regarding these subjects.
I read and understand the 'FUSION Leader's Guide.'
If I find at any time that my views do not match those expressed by FUSION Leadership Group, I will end my involvement with leading a FUSION group or find another leader but will not use this platform to express viewpoints that do not align with the Biblical worldview.

Thanks for submitting!

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