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Save Our Sisters

Initiative to help women in abject poverty complete their education

Would you be surprised to learn that in rural Uganda 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 13 and 18 are pregnant or already have a child due to incest or rape? Although the country has made great strides in recent years, women still face significant struggles in a culture where girls are often viewed as property and many fathers do not see it worth while to invest in their education or future.


Because of the abject poverty in many of these communities, young girls are "sold" as brides to men many decades older that can provide for them and ease the family's financial burden. 

The #SaveOurSisters initiative originated with Milly's passion to help and empower young women (and their families) to break this destructive cycle and realize their full potential. As a lawyer, Milly is in a unique position to identify and assist women in desperate situations.

In the video above Milly explains in greater detail the precarious situation in which young women in her region find themselves. She also provides a brief glimpse into her childhood and the events that brought her to this place in time.



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Meet Milly Kikomeko:

Co-founder of Maisha Foundation. She is a lawyer, wife, mother of two sons and 500+ other children whom their foundation supports.

Click the image above to view the article published in the April 27, 2019 edition of the Daily Monitor, a local newspaper in Kampala, Uganda.


Mariam (pictured above) is a young woman who Milly identified as being in a precarious situation because of her family's extremely limited resources. Mariam tested very well in school and showed great potential, but her father wanted to find her a husband to support her (she's 16). For the equivalent of $400, FUSION was able to help Mariam enroll in a boarding school for her first year of high school.


Special word of thanks to our Sponsors

Milly expresses her gratitude for your help sponsoring a young woman so that she can complete high school, a privilege not available to many girls in developing countries. 

2022 Class

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You can Help Save our Sisters!


Sign up below if you want to help break the cycle of poverty for a struggling young woman.


Many of us understand that problems that can be solved with money are not really problems at all. You will be amazed how little resources are needed to resolve major obstacles for these girls. 

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